Faith Community Nurse (FCN)/Parish Nurse

The Faith Community Nurse (FCN) role is to assist members and others in the community to reach their optimal level of whole person health. Helping to meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of individuals is the desired outcome of the program. The FCN is a Registered Nurse who acts as a counselor, educator, and nurse by identifying needs of the congregation, coordinating health screenings, providing educational programs, supplying health literature, and referral to, or direct provision of, supportive services.

Previous classes offered have included CPR, Mental Health First Aid, the Ministry of Listening, Gentle Yoga, and the Arthritis Foundation's Walking for Fitness.

The Health & Wellness Ministry works alongside the Congregational Life & Membership Ministry and the Shalom Circle in order to ensure that all our congregational community receives physical, emotional, and spiritual support.

The Garden Ministry provides outdoor fellowship and exercise while providing fresh produce to our neighbors at the JAMA Food Pantry.

The Soup Ministry gives the opportunity to bring fresh, home-made soups and breads to those individuals who may not be able to prepare fresh meals.

Lunch & Learn is a monthly fellowship and educational opportunity with speakers from the healthcare community.