
    Our former pastor, Rev. Allen Huff, retired from Jonesborough Presbyterian Church in June 2024 after 13 years of faithful service.   We are profoundly grateful for his presence with us and wish him and Marianne well in the next phase of their life and service.  Rev. Karen Russell, Transitional Stated Clerk of Holston Presbytery, will begin serving as Moderator of our Session.  In the months to come, she will help us with providing transitional worship leaders and will lead us through the process of calling a new pastor. 

    Cherry Smith, music director at Jonesborough Presbyterian Church, has been involved in church music since the early years of her life.

    Growing up in the Leesburg community in Washington county, TN, she became assistant pianist and youth choir director of her home church, Leesburg Presbyterian Church, at the age of 16! After serving in many churches of several denominations, she feels that being back in the Presbyterian church is like a "home-coming" in her Christian journey.
    After high school graduation from Washington College Academy in 1963, Cherry received degrees from Virginia Intermont College for Girls, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and a BS in Music Education and Master of Arts from ETSU.
    Now retired from teaching music in public schools for 43 yrs., Cherry feels her position here at JPC is even more challenging! Spending many hours in planning music for choir members of various age levels is very rewarding in so many ways. Seeing a young child sing a solo for the first time, watching a hand-bell choir perform at JPC and in the community, hearing a senior adult read a narration part in a Christmas Cantata, or just hearing a choir member say"I listened to our recorded CD and we sounded great!" makes the position of music director not only worth-while but assures the choir director that she is doing what God has called her to do!
    Since 2005 Cherry has seen the members of the music department become more active in town and community activities! The productions at the McKinney Center have been rewarding for children through senior adults. Town events like Historic Jonesborough Days and the Chuckey Depot Museum fundraisers have been favorites. And in 2022, the Golden Heirs Choir were carolers for the Heritage Alliance event "The Progressive Dinner."

Jerilyn Paolini, Pianist

    In addition to her duties as staff pianist at Jonesborough Presbyterian Church, Jeri teaches applied and class piano at East Tennessee State University, as well as directs ETSU's Summer Piano Camp. Jeri also enjoys teaching elementary through adult piano students at Paolini’s Piano Studio.
    She served two biennium as president of the Appalachian Music Teachers Association, and currently serves as president of the Tennessee Music Teachers Association.
    Jeri previously held the position of principal keyboard player with the Johnson City Symphony Orchestra.  Prior to coming to Johnson City, Jeri held a staff accompanist position at The Juilliard School in New York City, and taught at area New York music schools.
    She holds undergraduate and graduate performance degrees from Southern Illinois University and the University of Texas.

Suzanne Donaldson, Office Manager

Suzanne Donaldson

Suzanne is a retired Certified Financial Planner who decided to return to work part-time as the Office Manager for Jonesborough Presbyterian Church.  “God led me to read the J.C. Press one day in 2023 and I saw the ad for the position”.

Suzanne is a graduate of Rhodes College in Memphis, TN where she grew up.  She moved to Johnson City in 1979 as manager of the Trust Department at First Horizon Bank.  After her first retirement in 2001 she was a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards & Sons, which became Wells Fargo Advisors.  In 2012, she and her business partner formed a new company, Voyage Partners Financial Strategies and she retired from full time work in 2017.

Her work schedule is set by having time off on Tuesdays to play golf.  She is married to Bruce and has a son, Michael and a grandson, Finn.

Sarah Gibson, Treasurer

Debbie Walls, Nursery